Saturday, August 28, 2010

play-doh time!

last week i introduced finn to play-doh. he was a little skeptical at 1st, but finally came around to it. a little. i sat there snapping away pics b/c it was quite amusing. and believe it or not, he didn't even try to eat it. i was amazed by that. i did check though & play-doh is non-toxic so i wasn't that worried anyways.

this was right after a haircut. which is why he's going shirtless. :)

mommy's creation

Sunday, August 15, 2010

little dare devil!

my child scares me in the fact that he is not scared of anything.. dan was replacing a fixture in the laundry room & before we knew it finn had ran in there & climbed practically to the top. you can not take your eyes off him for a minute!

here he was the other day at the house. i swear this child will be the death of me...

and i just had to throw this pic in b/c i LOVE it. :) i don't get many pics with my little man & this one turned out decent..

everything's been going pretty well here lately. dan & his mother went up north for 7 days this past week so finn & i were on our own a few of those days. my parents came down for 4 nights so that was nice. and of course it happened that i had to travel out of town with my job while dan was gone. i had to go to savannah for a night & do a case. finn slept at the babysitters overnight & did just fine. it's not the 1st time that he's slept there. we are SO fortunate to have a WONDERFUL babysitter 3 doors down from us. she loves him to pieces & her home is his 2nd home.

finn starts school on tuesday!!! ahhhhhh!!!!!!! i can't believe it. last week i did the oreintation stuff at the school. hes going to one of the church schools here in town. he's going to love it. :) its 2 half days a week & its going to be so good for him. i of course took tuesday off so i can take him & pick him up. this is a big deal! i officially feel like a grown up now. i'm wierd, i know.

well i'm gonna watch a movie i dvr'd last night. i love my dvr...

i'll update on tuesday about finns 1st day.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

this is what we do...

this is what we do at least 2 days a week....
it passes time & helps to wear finn out
he's not an inside kindof guy
he prefer's the outdoors
as does his mommy
he sweats just like his mommy too
he usually gets a least 1 bump or scrape
last night he knocked his forehead on the step

he's a fearless dude
which frightens his mommy
who just woke up b/c kristy barked at something outside
nice kristy, thanks....